Monday, September 14, 2009

Republicans - Take Back Your Party

For full disclosure (particularly to my liberal Democrat friends), I was once a registered Republican. That’s right…me…a Republican. However, I began to disagree with the party direction while in college and my views became more liberal, so I moved to the left.

That said, I’m going to continue my comments about what is happening to the Republican party today. I’ve begun to notice that I am not alone in my belief that party is being taken over by their loudest, most extreme and paranoid elements. Case in point, in just the last couple of days I have come across comments by several others with bigger voices than mine. It’s not just from the left, but now true conservatives and GOP strategists are starting to complain about this direction. Here is just a small sampling of what I’ve discovered:

David Frum (George W’s speech writer and conservative author) has said, “There are wild accusations and the paranoid delusions coming from the fever swamps.”,0,940651.story

Jon Henke (GOP strategist) has begun a campaign against WorldNetDaily, which has published numerous articles giving credence to the birthplace issues. One WorldNetDaily article, which Henke called “hideously embarrassing” to conservatives, said that a Democratic proposal to create civilan emergency centers at military installations is the beginnings of concentration camps.,0,940651.story

Tim Rutten (columnist) wrote on the Joe Wilson rant. He said, in part, that if the talk-show/tea-party right has its way, it will convert the GOP into an almost exclusively white, zealously religious, mostly Southern party.,0,1567292.column 

At least my little voice (or big mouth depending on who you talk to) isn’t alone in the liberal wilderness.

It's healthy for our republic to have differing voices and for our Government to run with mainly two parties. Even hair-on-fire liberals like me agree that debate is necessary for our nation to move forward. However, it's NOT debate when a South Carolina Congressman (wrong-way Joe Wilson) calls the President a liar during an address to Congress. (South Carolinians...what the hell is in your drinking water lately? Jim (Obama's Waterloo) DeMint and Governor (Don’t cry for me Argentina) Mark Sanford???) Nor is it productive. If Republicans really want to regain power in the future, they need to start marginalizing the crazy screaming paranoids (fueled by Fox Noise).

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