Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Public Health Insurance Option – Medicare!

An op-ed appeared September 22, 2009 in the “LA Times” written by Theodore Roszak and titled, “Medicare for all”. His idea was very thought provoking and, I think, worth passing along to your representatives in Congress.,0,2423855.story

What's amazing to me is that those geniuses in Washington haven’t thought of this as the “public option”.  Well, I guess, I’m not really that amazed…
Here’s just a sample:

“Liberal defenders of President Obama's campaign for healthcare reform have tried to allay the fear that the "public option" is a scary government "takeover" of the health insurance industry by citing Medicare as a benign example of a government-funded and administered program.

One might have hoped that was common knowledge, but apparently even among those on Medicare, there are many who have no idea who's paying for their healthcare. Do they think there is a company called Medicare Inc. that has bestowed affordable healthcare on them as an act of charity?

Angry seniors rail against the government, but they cling to their Medicare with no fear that it will hire "death panels" to kill them off. Even when it is called to their attention that Medicare is a socialistic program, that fact fails to tar it as a nefarious liberal plot.

So why has it not occurred to the champions of reform that instead of telling people that the public option is "like Medicare," we might simply let the public option be Medicare? That would reduce all the complexities to one clear-cut public-option solution: Amend Medicare so that it will be available to everyone regardless of age.”

Sounds pretty logical to me…hear that Congress? Obama?

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