Thursday, October 1, 2009

Right Wingnut Hysteria Over Schoolchildren "Chant"

OK…there has been some right wingnut hysteria over video of school children “chanting” about President Obama. The escaped asylum inmates (Liz Cheney, Glenn Beck, etc.) are breathlessly proclaiming the kids were being “indoctrinated”!!!

Trouble is…this video is from last February AND was part of an event during Black History Month!! It should be OK to celebrate the fact that we have evolved enough as a country and a society to elect a black president.

Obviously, not everybody has evolved - as evidenced by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Liz Cheney, et al.
And for the topper…Let‘s go back to 2006. A group of schoolchildren who survived Hurricane Katrina went to the White House and sang a song praising President Bush and FEMA, if you can believe it. Now, I didn‘t hear the righties complaining about indoctrinating children back them. I didn’t hear anyone right or left screaming about THAT.
It‘s not like the kids are out there pushing President Obama‘s political agenda. They‘re talking about equality, AND Obama didn‘t have anything to do with the performance!

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